New Members Sign Up
Member Annual Renewal


"The Mazinaw Property Owners Association (MPOA) is an unincorporated, not-for-profit association of volunteers formed to promote the preservation and protection of natural and scenic beauty, fish, wildlife and water quality of the area. The MPOA strives to advance the common interests of its members dealing with different levels of governments, organizations and agencies relative to the Mazinaw Lake community.

The MPOA is carried on without purpose of financial gain for its members: any profits or gains to the organization shall be used in promoting its mandate"

Current MPOA Board Activities:

  • Host an Annual General Meeting (AGM) where you can meet your board and other members, learn about important items, and vote on any potential motions that affect the association.

  • Provide an MPOA website and administer the MPOA Facebook Group
  • Produce the MPOA Lake Directory which is treasured by, and only available to, members. The directory lists cottage information and contains maps of the lake.  It provides a sense of community. Members have used the information in the directory to alert absent owners of issues on their property.
  • Produce an MPOA Spring Newsletter which is packed with information that you will find yourself referring to throughout the season.

  • Provide a strong focus on lake health (see Lake Health section of the website for details) however some examples include focus on invasive species prevention and management; participate in Shoreline Restoration Programs; maintain "Mazinaw Blue Lake Designation'; Partake in water sampling programs; provide education around Firework and Light Pollution reduction, etc

  • Collaborate with various governmental agencies, such as the MVCA, local elected official

  • Active members of the ‘Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations’  (FOCA); and the North Frontenac Lake Association Alliance (NFLAA).

If you have any questions, please submit an email to Communications@lakemazinaw.com.