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Lake Tree Day

Protect your Shoreline!

Waterfront properties are highly valued by people for a variety of reasons ranging from the access they provide for recreational opportunities, to the prime locations they are for rest and relaxation. These shoreline areas are also very important to both wildlife and lake water quality. Loss of vegetation along the shoreline degrades wildlife habitat, increases erosion, can reduce water clarity, and cause an increase in nutrient input into the lake. Planting native trees and shrubs along the shoreline provides valuable wildlife habitat and helps control shoreline erosion, while also acting as a filter for pollutants and nutrients entering the lake through rain water runoff.

In partnership with the MPOA, Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA) is helping members add plants to their shorelines. For the February 2022 Lake Tree Day, participating members had the opportunity to order up to 15 trees/shrubs for a $25 donation to MVCA’s stewardship program. If a member wished to order more than 15 plants, additional plants were available at cost.

Members interested in having a larger shoreline planting done could contact Julie Falsetti ( for more information on the Shoreline Naturalization Program and planting assistance

We will continue to offer Lake Tree Days in the future.

For more information on the February 2022 Lake Tree Day including pictures of the plants, please download the document below.

Mazinaw Lake Shoreline Planting Project