Free Shoreline Planting Programs
Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority Shoreline Planting Program
Did you know the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority provides FREE planting advice and recommendations for a healthy shoreline? Shoreline naturalization has many benefits including; erosion protection, habitat and water quality enhancement. Shoreline naturalization is a 'SMART' goal for our lake, as defined by the Blue Lakes Program (explained in our Spring Newsletter) and meets our Board mandate to promote and protect the health of the Lake.To get started, click here: Planting Programs
Watershed Canada Shoreline Planting Program
Did you know MPOA can access a free custom planting plan suited to your shoreline and your aesthetics? Watershed Canada visits your site and works with you to create a custom plan suited to your shoreline and your aesthetics. Plants go in the ground in the Spring or Fall. They work with sponsors to subsidize the costs! Their shoreline plans are designed to need minimal maintenance. Over the next few years, you’ll see your shoreline transform! Link here to get started: Natural Shoreline.