Current Members Renewal, Information & Directory Updates
How to renew your Membership
Membership is for a calendar year, from July to June.
Dues are $30 per residence. Only one membership per residence is required (irrespective of the number of families/people sharing a cottage)
Please complete the online Member Information Form below.
Ways to pay for your membership
e-Transfer. This is the preferred method for our volunteer Treasurer (saves time & tracking). Send the e-transfer to "". Please include the 911 number of your property with your first and last name in the notes section of the e-transfer. This is very important so we apply the payment to the right cottager!
Cheque. The mailing address is MPOA, P.O. Box 251, Cloyne Ontario K0H 1K0. Your cheque should be made out to "MPOA". Please write the 911 number of your property and your email address in the note section of the cheque.
Marinas. Brown's Camp and Smart's Marina accept MPOA membership payments.
Thanks for your continued commitment to the MPOA and have an enjoyable (and hopefully Covid free) summer!
New and Current Members' Information + Directory Updates