Eurasian Milfoil
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We NEED your help. Through the Mazinaw Blue Lakes Committee, a Committee of the Board, we have developed a Eurasian Milfoil Action Plan in consultation with a comprehensive panel of multi discipline experts and other Lake Associations battling Eurasian Milfoil.  Read about the Action Plan here in our latest newsletter. The Volunteer Roles required to implement the Eurasian Milfoil Action Plan include:

  1. Identifying patches on water  - We need volunteers to look for patches on Paddleboards, Kayaks, Canoes or boats. Refer to attached MVCA instructions to identify Eurasian Milfoil. Take pictures with coordinates and submit to with a copy to
  2. Identify patches using drones - If you are a drone operator and have the right type of camera, we can provide the technical specificities for capturing patches under separate cover.
  3. Installing Board purchased Transport Canada approved markers - We need volunteers to help delineate patches with markers. This is a key component to reduce water traffic in affected areas, as the weed. spreads when new cuttings are created that take root in 24-48 hours
  4. Installing Signs - We need help coordinating printing and installation of large signs to be installed at all boat, canoe, kayak, paddleboard launches and on water at the water markers themselves.
  5. Remove the weeds by hand - If you would like to remove small shallow colonies, please follow the attached Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority guidelines Quick Reference Guide (Hand Pulling)Best Management Practices for Lake Associations
  6. Offer to pay for more water markers and signs - We need approximately 30 additional markers which is $849 ($363 for the markers and $486 for the cinder blocks and ropes). And signs of all types and sizes (prices vary).
  7. Help identify sources of funding - The cost to manage this issue is extraordinary and will be ongoing. We need as much funding as we can get from any and all sources available including private donations from property owners.
  8. Block Captains - We need people to be 'eyes on the lake' in your specific area to monitor and spread the word to your neighbors on all of the above! 
  9. Fundraising Committee - to lead fundraising efforts to support overall management plans. 

Please contact  if you can help with any of the above roles.