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Share the Blessing As you close your cottage, please consider....
It has been another wonderful summer on the lake and for some of you, you will soon be
closing your cottage for the year. I know, the summer is too short and no one wants to think
about closing up!

We invite you to consider donating your non-perishable food items to the Northbrook Food
bank, a local charity, as you empty your cupboards for the winter.  The owners of the Cloyne 
Home Hardware store, have graciously agreed to forward your donation to the Northbrook Food 
bank.   Please drop off any items you wish to donate at the Cloyne Home Hardware store on
highway 41 at the north end of Cloyne. There will be shopping carts at the entrance to the
store, under the roof, for you to place your items both on the Labour day weekend and
the Thanksgiving weekend.  The food will be collected every evening.  
Thank you for sharing with those less fortunate.

With appreciation,

Francine Bates
MPOA Director, Membership & Communications

please visit us at lakemazinaw.ca