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Wind Turbine update Keeping you informed

On Wednesday June 10 the Council of North Frontenac voted 100% against the wind turbine project in North Frontenac. Please review the announcements and letter from Mayor Ron Higgins to the Premier.

At this point it uncertain whether this decision will stop the wind turbines in NF. The Green Energy Act of Ontario assign only a small value to the refusal of a township.

Addington Highlands council will decide on July 6 on Wind turbines in the township.

I also want to send you two links to the two maps which  show where the wind turbine developer NextEra wants to locate the turbines in Addington Highlands and in NF. Once you get to the map you can zoom in to see more details. What does not become clear is the exact scale of the maps.



Lake Mazinaw is visible in the Northpoint II map.

FYI: AH council will hear on Monday June 15 from a competing Wind turbine Developer (RES Renewal Energy Systems).