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MPOA Directory NEED YOUR INPUT...creating an insert of updates

In 2014 we created the MPOA Mazinaw Directory for MPOA members and Emergency Response Units.  There are many advantages for you, including making it easier for the Ambulance, Police and Fire departments to find you in a case of an emergency; and for your neighbours to contact you in case they need to notify you of an issue at your cottage; or to let you know about a significant event.

Since then, there have been many changes, with people buying and selling cottages, or people changing their contact information including home addresses, cell phones or emails.

Last fall we started the creation of an insert to our MPOA directory as a cheaper alternative to reprinting.  Given the number of changes we received, we made the conscience decision to continue to accept changes up to May 30, 2016 so that we go in to the season with the most updated version.

If you have any changes you want made to your contact information or if you recently bought/sold your cottage, please send them to communications@lakemazinaw.ca by May 30, 2016. 

The updates will be sent via email to our 2016 members only, by July 2, 2016.