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Important information for NF tax payers...cost of Municipal building Meeting on Monday...Let your voice be heard

To all MPOA members in North Frontenac:

There is a Special Council meeting Monday Sept 12 at 7pm to discuss and decide upon the Municipal office complex project (a renovation to existing office to be in the neighborhood of 1.4 million dollars!!)  Meeting is upstairs at the firehall in Plevna.
The original reno figure started at around $500,000 when they first proposed it and last heard it is now up to 1.4 million.  Many cottagers on the lake sent in letters to council.  It is time once again for those who wish to make their voice heard. Please consider attending this meeting or write your Mayor and council.
Related note from May 2016 below:

Last August Pauline Smart informed you through the MPOA of a special meeting of the North Frontenac council with regards to the N.F. township municipal building.  One of the options being discussed was to build a brand new facility.  The initial renovation cost was $500,000, renovation with small addition was $900,000.  The cost now appears to be $1.3 million.  Also noteworthy is that the township is taking out a loan to finance the project as stated in newspaper - article link below.

That said, the current municipal office (valued on paper at over $1 M) would still need to be renovated in order for it to be occupied.  Further to the discussion was the location of the possible future site (further away from Ward one...the largest tax base contributor to this township, responsible for over 40% of the total revenue for this township).   If council voted in favor of this option, Ward One taxes would be footing the majority of this bill. Pauline had asked all tax payers in the Township of North Frontenac to take a stand on this issue and make it known to the current council and mayor, in writing or by their presence at this meeting, that this is not a viable option BEFORE they render their decision.

Many of you wrote to the Mayor and council and thanks to those letters, council opted to remove the new building proposal as one of the options....But...in a meeting held April 29th, Council, in a 5 to 2 recorded vote, voted to now go ahead with a $1.4 million office addition and renovation! Those who voted in favor of spending $1.4 million of our tax money was Mayor Ron Higgins, Ward 1 Councillors Wayne Good and Fred Perry, Gery Martin and John Inglis.  Denis Bedard and Vern Hermon were the only two councillors who voted against the proposal.  Again, please everyone, let them know your thoughts through writing again to the Mayor and council or by attending the upcoming Open House to discuss the Official Plan five year review for the Township of North Frontenac on June 25, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.  See below for more details.


The Township of North Frontenac

Invites You to Participate in an Open House Regarding the Official Plan Five Year Review


You are invited to an Open House to discuss the Official Plan Five Year Review for the Township of North Frontenac.  Come prepared to have the opportunity to review and ask questions about the Draft Official Plan.

The Open House will be held on June 25, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. A formal presentation on the draft plan will be made by planning staff at 9:30 a.m. at the Clar-Mill Community Hall, 6598 Buckshot Lake Road, Plevna, Ontario. Township Council will be in attendance.

The Official Plan will set out goals, objectives and policies established primarily to manage and direct physical change and the effects on the social, economic and natural environment of the Township. If you have any further questions please contact the undersigned.

Dated this 20th day of May, 2016.

Tara Mieske

Clerk/Planning Manager

Township of North Frontenac

613-479-2231  Ext. 225
