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Bands on the lake To AH property owners for their awareness
The Mazinaw Lakeside Resort (MLR) which is located on Hwy 41 across from Mazinaw Lake in Addington Highlands, has applied to obtain exemptions to the noise bylaw so they can host two bands this summer:  Plasticine Youth on July 2nd and 90's Grunge showcase on July 30 with a possible 3rd application for Labour Day weekend (as per the MLR website on June 4/16).
There is a council meeting Monday, June 6th  at the Township Hall in Flinton at 1 pm where this is on the agenda should you wish to voice your opinion.  Alternatively you can call the council office at 613-336-2286  M-F 8:30-4:30  or send an email to clerk@addingtonhighlands.ca to have your voice heard. 
More council information can be found at the addingtonhighlands.ca website.