Notice Date: August 17, 2016
Fire Ban Lifted for the Townships of AH and NF
Areas affected: Kaladar, Northbrook, Cloyne, Bon Echo, Plevna, Ompah, Snow Road, Denbigh, Flinton and surrounding area.
On August 3, 2016 a Total Fire Ban was implemented due to the dry conditions, creating extreme fire conditions in the Townships of Addington Highlands and North Frontenac. The precipitation received over the weekend, combined with the widespread precipitation yesterday and the forecasted higher humidity, will decrease the risk of forest fires. Bon Echo Provincial Park and the Fire Departments north of us are lifting their Fire Bans as well. Chief Korhonen and Chief Cuddy have reviewed the conditions and forecasted fire hazards and have decided the Fire Ban will be lifted as of 8:30 a.m. tomorrow - Thursday, August 18, 2016. Thank you all for your assistance in protecting our great area.
“Fire Ban” means a total fire ban and shall prohibit; burning of debris, burning in an outdoor incinerator, chimineas, Fireworks displays, campfires of any type, and charcoal installations. NOTE during a fire ban a BBQ or Hibachis (charcoal installation) may be used provided the installation is used within 100 meters of a permanent structure used as a dwelling that you occupy, or in an organized campground, is at least 2 meters from any flammable material and the ashes and coals produced are completely extinguished and safely disposed of.
Thank you for your cooperation. Your help in preventing a forest fires is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions you may contact the following Fire Chiefs:
Addington Highlands Chief Casey Cuddy @ 613 336 9780
North Frontenac Chief Eric Korhonen @ 613 479 2231 ext. 232
Fire Ban Information Lines
613-336-1851 or 613-479-0399
Kaladar / Barrie, Denbigh & North Frontenac Fire Depts.
For ongoing updates on the fire ban information go to the Township of Addington Highlands & Township of North Frontenac's websites.