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Severe Drought Conditions Message from Township of NF


Please be advised that the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA) and the Quinte Conservation Authority (QCA) have declared Severe Drought Conditions within the watersheds due to lower than normal amounts of rainfall for the months of April, May, June and July.  The Conservation Authorities are encouraging residents and businesses to decrease their water usage by 50%.  The Conservation Authorities are advising the below average water levels in local lakes, rivers and streams may potentially expose additional hazards and are advising the general public to use extreme caution while out on area waterways for recreational purposes (i.e. swimming and boating).  

The Township’s website includes links to the MVCA website (www.mvc.on.ca) and the QCA website (quinteconservation.ca) which will provide updates on the watershed conditions.


Councillor Gerry Martin, MVCA Board Member and Tara Mieske, Clerk/Planning Manager

613-479-2231 Ext. 225
