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Lakeshore plants Project to protect our waterfront

As we talked about at the AGM in July, any loss of vegetation along the shoreline degrades wildlife habitat, increases erosion, can reduce water clarity, and cause an increase in nutrient input into the lake.  Planting native trees and shrubs along the shoreline provides valuable wildlife habitat and helps control shoreline erosion, while also acting as a filter for pollutants and nutrients entering the lake through rain water runoff.   

Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA) would like to help Mazinaw Lake landowners who are interested in adding plants to their properties by providing trees and shrubs for FREE.  To qualify..Landowners must be on Mazinaw Lake and the plants must be planted within 45m of Mazinaw Lake. Orders must be received by MVCA by Sept 16th.

Important Plant Information

  • Please fill out the plant order sheet and submit it to Kelly Stiles (kstiles@mvc.on.ca) by September 16th.
  • orders must be 15 or less plants
  • Plants ordered by September 16th, 2016 will be available for pick up on Saturday June 3rd, 2017 from 10:00 to 3:00 at the Barrie Community Hall, Cloyne parking lot.   We understand that not everyone will be opening their cottages (and therefore able to pick up their plants) by this early date.  Your plants will be stored at Brown's campground (at the top of lake Mazinaw) for you to pick up at a later date.  In this case, please coordinate with Lisa Martin at 613-336-0925. If you wish to pick them up in June and you are in the area, plants can be picked up at the MVCA offices (10970 Hwy 7, Carleton Place) from June 5th -9th, 12th -16th between 8:30-4:30.  Please contact Kelly Stiles (kstiles@mvc.on.ca ) if you wish to pick your plants up at the office.
  • All plants will be bare root stock (between 24”-36” tall with no soil on roots, packaged in bags) or in 1 gallon pots (between 24”-36” tall in 1 gallon pot filled with soil).
  • Bare root stock should be planted as soon as possible after being picked up and kept in a cool shady area until planted.  Potted stock can be kept unplanted for up to two weeks as long as they are watered daily.
  • If a landowner is interested in planting more than 15 plants they should contact Kelly Stiles (kstiles@mvc.on.ca) for more information on our shoreline planting program and planting assistance.  

Please contact Kelly Stiles (kstiles@mvc.on.ca , 613-253-0006 ext. 234) if you have any questions about shoreline planting.