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Top 3 Issues Tell Us What's On Your Mind


Many thanks to those who provided input.  If you meant to send something, and forgot, now is your chance.  We will still accept your input in preparation for the AGM meeting.  Thank you.

In 2013, we polled the members of the MPOA to see what were the top 3 issues they had related to the Mazinaw.  The response was overwhelming:

(1) Lack of Communication...so we created an email id to send emails to us (communications@lakemazinaw.ca) and we created a website (lakemazinaw.ca) which we post news on our HOME page, have a lost and found, a buy and sell, a focus / initiatives section.  We send out timely communications in the summer months and as needed in the off seasons.  Feedback from our members is that this is now working well.

(2) Water Quality...we've had many initiatives on this topic...including testing for invasive species, and working with the OPP, Fire dept, Bell, Hydro, MNF, etc to implement boat washing policies; Love your lake program; shoreline planting project, etc.

(3) the Tapping's Landing dock...thanks to the initiative of our MPOA president Arndt Kruger, working with the township, and with a very large thanks to the donations from our MPOA members, this was fixed!!!

So what's on your mind now?  Please send your top 3 issues or feedback to communications@lakemazinaw.ca by the end of October. The input will be consolidated and the top 3 overall issues identified.

With Thanks, from your MPOA Board of Directors.