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Land O'Lakes Garden Club Why not join?

You do not need to be a gardener or a "local" to join the Land O'Lakes Garden Club, and everybody is welcome. We run monthly meetings on the 2nd Thursday of each month from April to November at 7:00pm at the Free Methodist Church in Cloyne. 

Please visit our website for a list of all our activities this year, including, speakers/topics, a very special Sesquicentennial (Canada's 150th birthday) Celebration and all our other community projects.

Our annual Plant Sale this year will be on On Saturday May 27th, at the Barrie Community Hall in Cloyne, starting at 9:00am.  Mark your calendars and don't go to the big box stores & buy your tomatoes this year, come and support our Garden Club.  We will have local responsibly grown heirloom plants that you can grow in your cottage gardens and also bring some back to the city for all your friends.

A very special thanks to the boaters & cottagers who each year keep Planter Box at the Mazinaw Lake Government dock looking beautiful all season long.

Thank you
Mary Kelly
Land O'Lakes Garden Club