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On Behalf Of Bon Echo Area Residents Against Turbines


As you all know, the LRP II process was cancelled back in September, ending the potential for NextEra or RES Canada to gain approval to develop their proposed industrial wind turbine developments in North Frontenac and Addington Highlands for the time being. Note, however, that the LRP is merely suspended and not cancelled.

It has come to our attention that CanACRE has been retained by NextEra to continue the pursuit of private landowner lease agreements for IWT's in Addington Highlands. Don't be pressured into signing any agreement without prior legal consultation insuring your best interests. If you are approached, please drop us a line - it's always nice to have some idea where NextEra will pounce next. We urge anyone who is considering leasing their property for Industrial Wind Turbines and/or Solar Farms to seek legal advice before signing any contracts: It's difficult to understand all of the implications of these lease agreements. From North Frotenac Mayor Ron Higgins: "There exists a 10 year moratorium on any additional wind turbine contracts so my suspicion is that this company is looking to securing land for the long term."

Below are some Questions and Answers from following the LRP II cancellation announcement that may be of interest:

Yes and No. The government was clear they were 'suspending' the LRP II process, and have not used the word 'cancelled'. One would hope that with the state of Ontario's electricity system that the Government would not reactivate the LRP process (without radical changes to the way it's done), but it still remains a possibility. Further RES Canada has confirmed they are hanging onto their leases and mothballing their projects instead of cancelling them because they are still hopeful the Long-Term Energy Plan will create new opportunities to move these projects forward. Presently there is no mechanism to approve projects like those we have fought here.

Until RES Canada and NextEra cancel their lease agreements and formally commit to backing away from the table, we face a continued risk that the Government of Ontario will create an approval process that will allow these companies or others to bid on projects like those we've fought off.

BEARAT will continue to monitor the Ontario Long-Term Energy Plan updates and will work with Mayor Higgins to support his work with municipal leaders to influence that process. We are in the process of winding down our larger scale campaign against these projects and shifting to a role of vigilance for the time being. If no threats materialize that require our immediate ramp up, we will revisit our position and role in Spring 2017.

BEARAT is winding down active engagements and contractual obligations. As a group, BEARAT incurred expenses in advance of fundraising to keep the fight going. We are in the process of preparing a financial overview which will be shared with donors and members of BEARAT. Once we have a better sense of where things stand in Spring 2017 following the Province's Long Term Energy Plan process, any decision on what to do with any potential surplus will be made then.

If there is a lesson to be found in the success we've seen here, it is this: community engagement changes everything. We are strongly encouraging members of BEARAT and supporters to find other opportunities to get involved in our community. We've seen particularly in Addington Highlands the damage that comes from a municipal council that is not prepared to fight for the best interests of residents. We strongly encourage civic-minded residents to get involved and stay involved with our community, other organizations and municipal government.

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