2022/02/06 MVCA Tree/Shrub Planting
Our Lake Tree Days are back!
In partnership with The Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA) your MPOA Board is participating in another tree/shrub planting initiative. For a nominal $25 donation to the MVCA’s Lake Stewardship Program, participating landowners can order up to 15 trees/shrubs to plant on their property (see link at end of email for the selection of trees/shrubs that are available)
Key Facts:
- Plants will be no more than 2-3’ in height and bareroot
- Landowners must be on Mazinaw Lake
- Planting must be done within 45 m of the shoreline
- If landowners want more than 15 plants they are available at full cost (i.e. what MVCA pays to the nursery providing the plants)
- If landowners would like to complete a larger shoreline planting project they have the opportunity to work directly with the MVCA and their Shoreline Naturalization Program
Please download the MVCA Tree Order Form below, complete it and email to: communications@lakemazinaw.ca
Orders need to be placed by February 25, 2022 and trees/shrubs will be available to pickup at a central location (accessible by boat and car) on June 11, 2022. Please stay tuned to your email and our Facebook page for further updates.
For more information on shoreline conservation please visit https://bit.ly/3qa8acm to download a copy of the 3rd Edition of A Shoreline Owner’s Guide to Healthy Waterfronts provided by the Federation of Ontario Cottagers Associations (FOCA).
MVCA Tree Order Form (download).xlsx
Gillian Van Kempen, MPOA Lake Steward