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2022/04/12 Lake Steward Report

April 12, 2022


Our Lake Steward, Hilary Vaillancourt, has prepared this report to launch us into the new cottage season. Please take the time to have a read through - you will find a treasure trove of information to help keep our lake healthy.

May 2022 Lake Steward Report

The Natural Edge - Shoreline Naturalization Program

  • Did you know Watershed Canada offers free site visits to create a custom shoreline planting plan suited to your shoreline and aesthetics? Plants go in the ground in the Spring or Fall. They work with sponsors to subsidize the costs! Their plans are designed to need minimal maintenance. Over the next few years, you’ll see your shoreline transform! Link here:  Watersheds Shoreline 

LDD Moths

  • The MPOA is not involved in any spraying programs for LDD moths. If you decide to contract aerial spraying, please advise your neighbours of the date and time of spraying so that they can take cover.
  • Here is a helpful Webinar presentation, dated Feb 2022 on 2021 LDD impacts & 2022 forecast, by Dan Rowlinson, Provincial Forest Health Monitoring, Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry, at the Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations (FOCA) AGM & Spring Seminar: FOCA LDD Moths
  • The province of Ontario  posts information here and makes available a protocol document (5 pages) with steps to conduct an egg mass survey to estimate the population of the moths on your own property.

Invasive Species

  • Download the new guidance for watercraft users from the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry: Link here: Invasive Species & Watercraft
  • Here is a webinar on Invasive Species & New Boat Regulations in Ontario, effective January 1, 2022 that regulate the movement of any watercraft from one waterbody to another by requiring specific draining and cleaning protocols to prevent the spread of invasive species. Link to webinar slides here: Webinar Invasive Species
  • Reminder that effective Jan 2022, the Ontario Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry (MNDMNRF) announced that Ontario has established four Bait Management Zones (BMZs) to protect our lakes and rivers from invasive species and fish diseases. Baitfish or leeches (whether live or dead) must not be transported into or out of a BMZ. For the map and more info, visit:

Septic Systems

  • The Ontario Onsite Wastewater Association (OOWA) has released a new video for homeowners, addressing the basics of how a septic system functions, as well as best management practices. Please share this great resource: OOWA Youtube
  • FOCA and Make-Way Environmental Technologies held a “Lunch and Learn” about septic systems for homeowners, including an overview of the types of systems permitted in Ontario, and creative solutions for difficult sites; and included a discussion of rainwater harvesting solutions. Link to webinar (thanks to the event sponsor Make-Way Environmental Technologies, certified installers of the Enviro-Septic system): FOCA Septic Systems Video

Lake Partner Program – Sampling Results & Assistance

  • The Lake Partner Program’s province-wide sampling results from 2020 areavailable for download, which covers Phosphorous, Calcium, Chloride results; and average Secchi depth (water transparency). Link here: FOCA Sampling Assistance


You can contact the MPOA at

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