Shoreline Plants, LDD Lures, Membership Directories
Dear :
Good afternoon, the Mazinaw Property Owner’s Association (MPOA) wants to extend a big THANK YOU to everyone who provided assistance, in any form, to fellow cottagers as a result of the storm on May 21st. It’s truly been an honour to witness how generous and selfless people can be when disaster strikes. We hope everyone is making good progress on cleanup.
This email is to share updates on several lake initiatives of interest:
- The 2022 Shoreline Planting Project
- LDD (formerly gypsy moth) lures
- Member directories
- Membership renewals
Shoreline Planting Project: In partnership with the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA), the MPOA is pleased to inform all participants of the following plant pick up information:
Date: June 11th, 2022
Time: 10:00am - 1:00pm
Location: 1372 South Mazinaw Heights Road.
(If coming by boat, it is the first cottage to the south of Bon Echo Provincial Park, on the west side of the lake.)
Alternate Pick Ups: If participants can’t make it on June 11th, please make arrangements with friends or neighbours for the pick up and care of your plants. Or, you can pick up your plants at the MVCA office during the week at 10970 Hwy. 7, Carleton Place, ON K7C 3P1, between the hours of 8:30 AM-12:00 PM.
Further plant notes:
- All plants will be bare root stock (between 24”-36” tall with no soil on roots, packaged in bags) or in 1-gallon pots (between 24”-36” tall in pots filled with soil).
- Bare root stock should be planted as soon as possible, and kept cool in a shady area until planted. Potted stock should be planted within two weeks, and the soil kept moist.
- A few species (chokecherry, nannyberry, and highbush cranberry) were unavailable. They have been replaced with smooth arrowwood and black chokeberry, which participants can chose between. Summaries of the plant species are found at the links below.
Replacement Species Info for Black Chokeberry and Smooth Arrowwood
LDD Moth Lures: Also available at the plant pickup, the MPOA have secured LDD moth lures for a discounted price of $5. Lures do not require pre-order, if you are interested in purchasing lures, bring cash to the plant pickup location listed above.
Member Directories: Every paid up MPOA membership is entitled to one 2022 lake directory. Additional directories are available for $10 each. The 2022 lake directory will be available for pick up at two directors’ cottages in early July. One in the Lower Lake and one in the Upper Lake.
Lower Lake Directory Pickup: Saturday and Sunday, July 2nd and 3rd, 2:00 to 4:00 pm.
Ian Philips, Director of Membership, will be on Philips beach with other directors. You are welcome to stay on the beach for a chat and a swim.
Upper Lake Directory Pickup: Saturday and Sunday, July 2nd and 3rd, 2:00 to 4:00 pm.
Amy Fraser, MPOA President, and Jamie Fraser, invite you to stop by their dock at 3640 German Bay to pick up your directory.
If you can’t pick up your directory by boat, alternate arrangements can be made. Just email (Amy) or (Ian) to make arrangements.
Membership Renewals: If you’re not already paid for 2022, it’s time to renew so you can obtain your own copy of the very valuable printed membership directory! Dues are still only $20 per residence, and there is only one membership per residence regardless of shared ownership.
Ways to pay for your membership
- e-Transfer. This is the preferred method. Send the e-transfer to "". ***Please include the 911 number of your property with your first and last name in the notes section of the e-transfer. (This is very important so we apply the payment to the right cottager!)
- Cheque. The mailing address is MPOA, P.O. Box 251, Cloyne Ontario K0H 1K0. Your cheque should be made out to "MPOA". ***Please write the 911 number of your property and your email address in the note section of the cheque.
- Marinas. Brown's Camp and Smart's Marina accept MPOA membership payments. Note that the marinas can only provide directories to people who renew memberships on-the-spot. They don’t have information on who’s paid previously.
To update your personal information online, please use this link:
Finally, dues can also be paid at the Shoreline Planting Project pick up, or at the Membership Directory pick up, and you can take home your printed directory immediately!
In conclusion, we hope some fun summer plans are beginning to take shape out of the post-storm chaos. Thank you again so very much to everyone who helped after the storm, and good luck to all with repairs, replacements, and insurance companies.
Joanne McRae, Director of Communications, MPOA