Fall 2022 - Municipal Elections
Attention :
Good afternoon from the MPOA. Lake Mazinaw's 2 townships are having elections this fall. As a property owner in one township or the other, you can vote in the appropriate municipal election, either North Frontenac, or Addington Highlands! There are several issues pertinent to the typical cottage owner, including Short Term Rentals (STRs), and septic tank inspections, so don’t let the opportunity to have your say to go waste.
Please note that if you own property in the township you can vote, regardless of the number of properties you may own elsewhere. Voting has been made easy. You can vote electronically or by phone from wherever you are during the voting period. While the official date is October 24, you can vote on any day from October 15 to the 24. As before, there is no option for a paper ballot.
We strongly encourage you to vote. It is basic to the MPOA being able to act on your behalf. A good voter turnout shows that there is active lake interest in township affairs, how it operates and governs, and decisions needed in the coming term.
When: Now through October 24th 2022
Eligibility: Call the townships to obtain your PIN (if you haven’t received it in the mail).
How: By telephone or online with your secure PIN.
To Obtain your PIN (if you haven't received it by mail):
North Frontenac:
(613) 479-2231 (prepare to email a form of ID to verify your identity)
Email: officesupport@northfrontenac.ca
Visit in person at 6648 Road 506, Plevna, Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm (this is the municipal office). You can get your voter letter PIN in person onsite, and then cast your vote online or via telephone right there.
See link to a summary sheet for voting information: North Frontenac Voting Information
Addington Highlands:
Voter Helpline: 613 336-2286 x208 (leave a message, and Patricia will return your call. You will be emailed a form to fill out, including a request for ID, and will be sent your PIN and directions to vote.)
Email: clerk@addingtonhighlands.ca
Candidate Information:
A summary of candidates in Addington Highlands is found at this link:
A summary of candidates in North Frontenac is found at this link:
In addition, the North Frontenac Lake Association Alliance (NFLAA) has posed a series of 4 questions to the candidates in North Frontenac on the topics of:
- Strategy for engagement with lake associations
- Septic tank inspections
- Short term rentals
- Their top 3 priorities
To read the comments of the candidates who responded, see the links below:
Responses from Gerry Lichty - Part I
Responses from Gerry Lichty - Part II
Responses from Stephanie Regent
Thank you for taking the time to learn about the process and the candidates, and for voting to make your voices heard!
Joanne McRae, Director of Communications, MPOA