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Notice: Recent Break-Ins - Update for Water Access

Attention :

Good morning from the MPOA.  For those who may not be aware, a string of cottage break-ins were noted on the MPOA Facebook page a few weeks ago.  Until today, there were no reported break-ins of water-access-only properties.  But this morning, a break-in of a water-access cottage at the end of German Bay was reported on the MPOA Facebook page.  So far it's the only one reported on the water side.  

As before, the primary motivation was not theft, just some food and an old pair of boots were taken.  Access was gained by kicking in a door.  It's not known whether the person travelled to the property by foot or by boat. 

What you can do:

  • If you are the victim of a break-in, please report it to police, and also on the Facebook group.  (Or to if Facebook is not an option).  This alerts neighbours who will need to check their properties as well.
  • Log in to your Hydro One account and monitor for spikes in electricity usage:

 - To register, you'll need the name, account number, and telephone number registered to the account.

  • Join the Facebook group for the most up-to-date reports from fellow cottagers

MPOA Facebook Group

 - If you don’t have a free Facebook account, you must create one.

 - Remember to answer the questions about where on the lake your property is, and agree to the group rules.  (We are trying to keep businesses from joining just to hawk services.)

Thank you for reading, and enjoy the lovely weather forecast for this weekend!

Joanne McRae, Director of Communications, MPOA



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