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Mandatory Lifejacket Proposal

Attention :

Good morning from the MPOA.  This email is to address the current status of the ice, and to solicit feedback on Transport Canada's proposed mandatory lifejacket criteria.

Current Ice Status:

Danger!  The ice is not as thick as normal for this time of year!  It's not considered safe by local contacts 'in the know', and given the current forecast, isn't expected to become thick enough for safe crossing even by Family Day.  It's been a weird winter, if you typically cross the ice to get to your water access property, please reconsider.  As an alternative, the overland trail from Brown's is wider, smoother, and much easier to follow than in past years.  

Mandatory Lifejacket Proposal:

Transport Canada has released a bulletin regarding the mandatory wearing of lifejackets on pleasure craft.  They are soliciting input on the criteria to use for a proposed regulation, and reached out for feedback.  The MPOA has created a form to gather feedback from our members, which will be forwarded to Transport Canada prior to Feb 20th 2023.

Criteria up for discussion include:

  • Age 14 or 18 years (and younger)
  • Vessel size (6m or 9m)
  • Vessel type (motorized only or all vessels)

Please take the time to fill out the brief survey, and have your say on the matter:  Mandatory Lifejackets Survey

Thank you for reading. Travel cautiously, stay safe.   May the weather co-operate for us leading into the Family Day weekend! 

Joanne McRae, Director of Communications, MPOA



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