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Eurasian Milfoil Update

July 29, 2023

Dear ,

By way of an update, and further to our previous email,  the MPOA's Blue Lakes Committee has been monitoring the Lake and refining the Eurasian Milfoil Action Plan published in our Spring Newsletter

To Conclude: 

• We have observed a very high volume of EM fragments floating on the water's surface, which means new colonies are being created daily with each and every new fragment. 

• Therefore, swift action is needed urgently in the high traffic areas to limit further fragmentation. 

• As diver assisted hand pulling does not require permits, and is the only low cost method we can employ now to tackle the high traffic areas, we are organizing one or several, if possible, diver assisted hand pulling day(s) (dates TBD) 

The above said, please advise if you or anyone you know is available to participate in diving (scuba or snorkeling) to pull weed colonies by hand with a volunteer team working with you to gather pulled volumes at the surface. Meantime, we have volunteers with barges available to remove accumulated plants from the dive site; and properties that will allow us to unload and dispose bags of Milfoil from the barge to the land.

Please reply to myself ( and cc Amy ( and Vern ( if you know of any divers available to tackle this job. Dates are likely any weekend that works best for the crew. 

Thanks in advance! 

Hilary Vallancourt

P.S. The EM yellow marker placement is still in progress. Each markers will be labelled advising people what they are for. If you find an unmarked area, please contact Vern Haggerty (email above) and he can give you markers to install. 

Hilary Vaillancourt
Lake Steward, MPOA; Founder and Chair of the Mazinaw Blue Lakes Committee

Please note this email address is monitored by volunteers. Therefore, it may take several days to receive a reply. Your patience is appreciated. 

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