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Member Annual Renewal

Reminder Membership Dues

June 18, 2024

Dear ,

Greetings from the Mazinaw Property Owners' Association (MPOA),

This is a friendly reminder that all members with $20 dues paid by July 1st will be entered to win a Parks Ontario annual pass graciously donated to us by Bon Echo Provincial Park! This enables the lucky winner to visit not just Bon Echo, but all Ontario Parks for the entire year. You will also have a chance to win one of six $20 Gift Certificates from Smart's Marina! Renewal instructions click here: 

Membership dues allow the MPOA to put resources towards the health of our lake, which directly improves our property values, our quality of life on the Lake and its recreational opportunities and helps to build community- a very worthwhile cause! Member Services include the following, which is subject to change depending on volunteer and Board availability and different one-time urgencies: 


  • We host an Annual General Meeting every summer. This year's AGM will be held July 6th, 10:00 to 11:30 at Pineview Methodist Church in Cloyne or virtually, (link to follow).  Please join us to meet your board, learn about what we are doing on your behalf and have your say. All paid members are eligible to vote!
  • The health and quality of the lake, and our associated experiences on the lake are paramount to what we do. We represent all cottagers by being a 'collective voice' to ensure the health of Lake is protected. This entails the following voluntary Board work:
    • Secure and maintain the 'Mazinaw Blue Lakes Designation'. The Blue Lakes Program is a free, voluntary program for lakefront property owners interested in protecting the health and integrity of their lake. Under the program, the Blue Lakes Committee takes guided lake conservation actions tailored to the Lake's unique needs. Link here for more info:
    • Combat Invasive Species that pose a significant threat to the health of the Lake and the associated potential 20% decrease in property values. This represents the bulk of our work and our main focus currently due to the presence of Eurasian Milfoil, a fast spreading water based invasive species. Read more here:
    • Provide a free 'Milkweed Way' program in support of Monarch Butterfly habitat, which is critical to the Lake's health and the broader ecosystem. Link here:
    • Facilitate and coordinate the free 'Tree Days' program in partnership with the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority, where bare root trees and shrubs are provided free of change to participating members. *Subject to annual availability. More info here:
    • Seek and apply for Federal, Provincial and local grants; and are in the process of launching various fundraising initiatives required to cover a variety of Lake Health costs 
    • Promote two high quality free Shoreline Restoration Programsbrought to members by Watershed Canada and the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority. Find out more here:
    • Ensure Firework and Light Pollution reduction information is promoted to members, via mixed means (website, Facebook, newsletter, etc).
    • Maintain relationships with elected officials and speak before Council on Lake Health issues.
    • Partake in water sampling programs, hosted by FOCA. With its results posted to our website, emailed to members, etc Link here:
    • Publish all  "State of the Lake" Health Reports by the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority, to our website and secure updated reports as they are released:
    • Have produced the Love Your Lake Report, in conjunction with FOCA:
  • Produce the MPOA Lake Directory which is treasured by, and only available to, members. The directory lists cottage information and contains maps of the lake. Members have used the information in the directory to alert absent owners of issues on their property.
  • Maintain membership with the province-wide cottagers associations: FOCA the ‘Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations’ as well as the NFLAA North Frontenac Lake Association Alliance, and it is the role of the MPOA President to represent the Lake within these organizations.
  • We pay for and maintain a MPOA website and the Facebook Page, available to post Buy & Sell plus Lost & Found items (lake related) at no cost to you. More detail on what can be posted is available on each site.
  • We produce the Spring Newsletter which is packed with information that you will find yourself referring to throughout the season.

See you at the AGM, July 6th, 2024 10:00 a.m. Pineview Methodist Church in Cloyne. 
Please click to view our Membership Renewal instructions here: 

Please visit our Website and Facebook Page for more information about our lake.

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