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Information Session Aug. 15th ProCellaCOR & Eurasian Milfoil

August 2, 2024

Dear ,


The Health Canada approved ProcellaCOR FX is a treatment method for Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM),  a highly invasive aquatic species growing throughout the Lake.  At the 2023 and 2024 MPOA AGM,  treatment  options were discussed.  At this year's AGM (July 6th, 2024) the Motion to begin the process of using ProcellaCOR FX had overwhelming support.

This doesn’t mean that it will be used imminently, or at all. There is an onerous approval process required by the government agencies who have jurisdiction. Namely, the  Ministry of the Environment, Conservation, and Parks (Ontario) and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, (Federal). The requirement for a formal public consultation process is determined  at the permit application stage , by the government agencies and if required, will be part of the applicator’s obligation.

For those who weren't at the AGM  meeting, but expressed an interest in having their questions answered, on a best effort basis, the MPOA has organized another voluntary information session via zoom  for Aug 15th  from  1:00 – 3:00  EST.   Please save the date! A zoom link will be forwarded under separate cover in the coming days.   If you cannot attend, the meeting may be recorded and posted to our website; (pending due permissions to record).

The PhD experts who attended the recent AGM are from various locations and they will be on the line. Please send any questions you have for our experts to in advance by August 7th.  The questions will be read and responded to at the meeting.   

We continue to work on a FAQ document which will be posted on the MPOA website  for all interested parties to review (MPOA or not).  The target for completion is mid to late August.  Questions that were posed to the email above, will be included.

All expert's most up to date bios are still in receipt; however, here is a overview of the roster (we think you'll be impressed!):

  • Dr. Keith Solomon, is a Professor Emeritus and Associate Centre of Toxicology and School of Environmental Sciences University of Guelph Director.  He is a Fellow of the Academy of Toxicological Sciences and a Fellow of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). He has taught in areas of toxicology and pesticides at the University of Guelph and advises graduate students. His research areas are the fate and effects of pesticides and other substances in the environment, exposure of humans to pesticides and industrial chemicals, and risk assessment. He has received awards for teaching, research, and outreach from SETAC, the American Chemical Society, the Canadian Ecotoxicology Workshop, and IUPAC. He has served on several advisory committees on matters related to environmental toxicology and pesticides in Canada, the USA, and internationally. He is a co-author on the Environmental Effects Advisory Panel of the Ozone Secretariat of the United Nations Environmental Programme. He has more than 50 years of experience in research and teaching in pesticide science and toxicology and has contributed to more than 460 scientific publications and reports in the fields of pesticides, environmental toxicology, and risk assessment. He has advised or co-advised eight PDFs, 39 MScs, and 31 PhDs and has given or participated in more than 60 short courses on pesticides and risk assessment in Canada, Latin America, and around the world
  • Dr. Hasler is an Associate Professor and Chancellor’s Research Chair in the Department of Biology at the University of Winnipeg. His research focuses on understanding the impacts of environmental stressors on aquatic species. He has published nearly 90 peer-reviewed papers, co-edited two books, and is an Associate Editor for Conservation Physiology and Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. He grew-up in Flinton, Ontario, where he spent summers learning to swim in the Mazinaw.  
  • Dr. Kelly Biagi, is a Professor at Brock University, who specializes in hydrological impacts of landscape disturbance and restoration; and is a Farlain Lake Eurasian Milfoil Committee member. Farlain Lake has extensive lessons learned in combating EWM, including their recent application of ProCellaCOR FX. Read more here.
  • Dr. Mark A. Heilman, is the Director of Aquatic Technology, SePRO. He has a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Aquatic Ecology.; and holds a certification as a California Agricultural Pest Control Adviser from the California Department of Pesticide Regulation. He began his work experience as a Huxley Instructor at Rice University in August 1998, where he stayed until May 2000. Following this, he worked as a Project Manager at REMETRIX LLC from May 2000 until June 2002. Since June 2002, Mark has been associated with SePRO Corporation, starting as a Senior Aquatics Technology Leader and later transitioning to the roles of Director - Aquatic Research and Director of Aquatic Technology. 

Thank you for your interest!! 



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