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Tapping's Dock Extension


Dear Members of the MPOA,

I am very happy to report that the Tapping�s dock extension is completed and ready for the long weekend traffic. Thanks to your donations, and the contributions from the Townships of Addington Highlands and North Frontenac we were able to raise enough money to pay for the dock.  


The new dock has a bench and a loading platform designed for all your gear while you are waiting for your ride in order not to block the dock for other users.  For more pictures, please take a look at the website.

A note about your donation cheques: Your cheques will be handed over to the Township of North Frontenac and will be cashed soon after the Labour Day weekend.  The township will be responsible for issuing tax receipts which will be completed at a later date.

With best regards and enjoy the weekend.

Arndt Kruger,
President, MPOA

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