We are getting snow and freezing rain here in Collingwood as I think about when we will be heading up to Mazinaw Lake to open the cottage for the season. I am not sure where spring is, but I'm hoping we go straight into summer!
I'm sure you are wondering about the ice on the lake. After talking with a resident who lives there year round, she noted there is open water under the bridge at Brown's campground but the lake is almost completely frozen over still. Smart's marina posted a short video of the thickness of the ice (15 inches) on April 13th on their facebook page!
Given the rather miserable weather, I am inside more than I might normally be in March & April so I decided to try my hand at creating an MPOA newsletter, with the help of our MPOA Board. We have many new members and much of this information will be important to them and will serve as a good reminder to our current members. There is also a lot of new information included. You can download a copy from our website, under the Meetings & Newsletters tab. Enjoy!
p.s. while I have you, please note that the AGM on June 30th is in a different location than in past years. It will be held at the Pineview Free Methodist Church, 14397 Hwy 41 in Cloyne. While the business meeting starts at 10:00 a.m., please come between 9:15 and 10:00 to pay this year's membership, get your copy of the 2018 MPOA directory, have a coffee and socialize. As well, please consider bringing a non-perishable donation for the food drive to the AGM and we will collect and drop them off. Thank you. I hope to see you there!
Thank you,
Francine Bates
Director, Communications
please visit us at