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2018 MPOA Photo contest - deadline for submission extended

Dear ,

I am writing to you to let you know that the deadline to submit a photo for our MPOA photo contest has been extended to August 31, 2018.  We have a few great photos but need lots more!  Please send them to!  Below is the original email that was sent about this contest.


Calling all photographers who like to take interesting and unusual pictures of wildlife, nature, activities representing fun at the lake, sunsets, storms, or whatever gets your creative juices going!  We would love to share these photos by putting them on our website, perhaps in a future newsletter, or maybe even on the next MPOA directory cover!  There will be prizes for the 3 pictures that get the most votes.

Here is the process: 

  • all photo submissions to be sent to between now and August 1/18
  • with the submission, include the name of the MPOA member who is making the submission, cottage number, contact information, location where the photo was taken, title of your photo
  • limit of 3 submissions per cottage address
  • must have permission of any people in the photo
  • photos will be posted on the website under photo gallery, 2018 photo contest
  • $50 awarded each of the top 3 photos
  • please note by submitting your photo you give the MPOA permission to use it as they see fit (e.g. on the website, on a future directory cover)
  • one vote per cottage, per category
  • the process for voting will be posted online after the contest closes...stay tuned

We are looking forward to seeing your photos so please start sending them.  ;)

Francine Bates

MPOA Director, Communications

please visit us at

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