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2022/05/14 AGM Invitation

May 14, 2022


Once again, we will be holding the MPOA AGM by Zoom. You are invited to join us Saturday, May 14 at 9:30AM.

If you decide to attend the meeting, please log in between 9:15-9:30 AM to ensure that you are able to connect by Zoom and have an opportunity to get familiar with how it will work.

Don't have access to a computer? You can opt to connect by phone via your landline or cellphone.  Note that this option is 'listen' mode only with no opportunity to participate (e.g. talk, vote).

The link at the end of this email is to the By-Law Revisions that will be voted on during agenda item 3.

Bob Reid, MPOA President

Zoom Details

Time: May 14, 2022 09:30 AM America/Toronto

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 839 3430 8422

Passcode: 278653

Meeting ID: 839 3430 8422

Passcode: 278653

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1 Chairperson and Land Acknowledgement Amy Fraser
2 President’s Welcome Bob Reid
3 By-Law Revisions & Vote Amy Fraser
4 Elections to Board & Vote Amy Fraser
5 MPOA Lake Directory 2022 Ian Philips
6 Treasurer's Report & Vote/Possible MPOA Grant Program & Vote Bob Reid
7 MPOA Communication/Website Bob Reid
8 Lake Steward Planning Hilary Vaillancourt
9 Update on Short Term Accommodations John Campbell
10 Group Activities Jeanette Wilson
11 Other Business All
12 Guest Speaker on Rural Internet and Cell Service Lisa Severn
13 Discussion All
14 Adjournment Bob Reid


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